During the Christmas time we generate more waste and most of it can be recycled. Below you find some tips on how to reduce waste and recycle more:
- Put ham grease in a tight container and then to the mixed waste inlet, or frozen grease in a biowaste bag and then to the biowaste inlet. Grease should not be poured down the sink or into the toilet, because it can clog the pipes.
- Food waste belongs to the biowaste inlet, not in the toilet.
- Wrapping paper is mixed waste. It does not qualify as paper or cardboard for recycling purposes.
- Aluminium foils and tea light candle shells belong to the metal section of the recycling room.
- Broken LED candles and light sets belong to electrical waste collection (www.kierratys.info)
- New Year’s tin is hazardous waste, because it consist a lot of lead. New Year’s tin is collected free of charge in HSY hazardous waste containers and Sortti-stations, or you can use it again next new year.
- Flatten cardboard boxes before placing them in the trolley (in the Recycling room).
Kruunuvuorenrannan jätteen putkikeräys Oy wishes
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2022!