During Christmas time we generate even more waste and most of it can be recycled. Below you’ll find some useful advice how to reduce waste…
Old Christmas trees are collected in January
Christmas is on its way! HSY will collect old Christmas trees in during weeks 1-4 (2.1. – 29.1.2023). Collecting points are outside every sorting room…
Our bank account changes!
Kruunuvuorenrannan jätteen putkikeräys Oy’s bank account number will change starting from 2.1.2023. New bank account will be Nordea FI53 1660 3001 2009 25.
NEWSFLASH: How to prevent blockages in the tubes
Tubes for mixed waste and plastic packages are designed only for waste that fit in traditional crocery store plastic bags. A strong recommendation is that…
Rode RECYCLING DAY 22.10.2022 10am-3pm
Last recycling day of the year! ELECTRICAL WASTE, SCRAP METAL AND LARGE WASTE ITEMS WILL BE COLLECTED at two collection points in Kruunuvuorenranta. This waste collection…